CBA’s Treasure

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional

By: Lars Janssen

God has gifted me with a unique vantage point into my children’s school life. My four kids are in grades three, five, seven, and eight at Central Baptist Academy (CBA). My position is quite special because CBA is a ministry of Central Baptist Church, where I am an associate pastor (although many of you already know that). I get to participate by leading chapels, interacting with my kids’ teachers as both a parent and a pastor, and even incidentally just by being in the same building as my children while they are in school. My wife and I are even alumni of CBA—having either grown up with or been taught by several of the school’s teachers.

I have deep gratitude for those who have served throughout CBA’s ministry and the generational ripples are obvious in my family. It is wonderful to have a school in which there is absolute freedom to share the gospel and discuss the truth as it pertains to any subject, but let me assure you that the real treasure of this ministry is the teachers. Now let me tell you why.

CBA’s school verse is Colossians 1:28-29, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.” The Him at the beginning is Jesus (see v27), and you will note that the goal is maturity in Christ.

How does a child mature? He is warned of danger; she is taught wisdom. But let me ask you, parents and grandparents: Is that easy to do day-in-and-day-out? If you don’t know, I’ll tell you from experience that it is not easy. In fact, it requires toil and struggle to even make the attempt.

What does maturity look like? A mature Christian’s character resembles Jesus more and more each day. A mature Christian recognizes that she is inadequate for the task; that he is in desperate need of help to both be warned and to warn as well as to be taught and to teach. A mature Christian has found that help comes from the energy that he powerfully works within believers. Maturity is realizing the way things truly are. It is realizing that “the hope of glory” (see Col. 1:27)—that is the hope for any good at all—rests solely in Christ.

Our CBA teachers are the real treasure at CBA because they are maturing Christians living with CBA students every day. When students have a problem on the playground, the authority figure is someone becoming more like Jesus—someone who will warn the students away from danger and toward Jesus. When students struggle in a classroom, the authority figure is someone who is becoming more like Jesus—someone who will teach the students what wisdom looks like in that struggle.

This week, we’re having a CBA emphasis Sunday at Central. Here’s your challenge, Central: Pray for our CBA teachers and then take an opportunity this Sunday to encourage them.

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